FIS Commodity Compliance Hub
Change Password
User Name
Old/Temporary Password
New Password
Confirm New Password
Password Rules:
Passwords must be between 8 to 20 characters in length.
Current password cannot be same as previous eight passwords.
Passwords must contain three of the following four types:
English uppercase character(A - Z)
English lowercase character (a - z)
Numeric (0 - 9)
Special character (!, ., *, ;, $, #, @)
Password must not contain:
Your user name or your first or last name
Four-digit years (e.g., 1950-2050)
Characters repeats of 3+ (i.e.: "aaa", "!!!!", "444")
Pattern repeats of 3+ (i.e.: "abcabc", "fidelityfidelity", "456456")
Keyboard runs of 3+ (i.e.: "qwerty", "123456")